7 Geography

Monday, November 01, 2004

volcanic mountains

year 7 geo week 4 term 4

Explain what a ‘dormant’ volcano is.

Write 5 types of areas where volcanoes are found.

What is the difference between a highly viscous or highly fluid lava? Which is more damaging? Why?

Describe what happened at Mt Etna, mentioning how long it was active, its location in Italy, the surrounding topography,

Imagine that you and a friend have been given a free 3 day holiday in the Mt Etna area.
Describe the activities that you would plan over the 3 days.

Draw in your books a volcano cross section mentioning : vent, magma, fine ash, cinder.

Find out about another town or city that has been devastated by a volcano. Write a brief report about this eruption and its effects.


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